Tuesday, April 17, 2012


There are two things that I never like to discuss in public: politics and religion.  I know I should be more vocal about religion, setting an example for the church and all that, but mostly I don't like talking about religions among other people when I know there are people who dislike the church or are atheists.  And I hate confrontation, so I avoid both topics at all costs.
But not tonight.  Tonight, I watched a segment on Fox News about the elections, and frankly it stirred me up enough to remind me that I have a voice.  I have a voice, an opinion, and I will use it, and I don't care who agrees or disagrees or makes fun of me for it.  Not to mention I'm super P.O.'d because our AC isn't working and our apartment complex hasn't fixed it, among the six million other things they haven't fixed.  So I'm all set for a political rant at the moment.
It's quite obvious that the political race this year is a big deal.  And the country so far seems to be pretty split in half between Obama and Romney (nothing is set in stone yet but seeing as it's looking like the GOP candidate is Romney since that's who everyone keeps comparing to Obama)  and that seems to be the big question: Will the country vote for a mormon? or are they so stubborn about being against mormons that they'll take a terrible president for a second term?  And yes, I said it: OBAMA IS A TERRIBLE PRESIDENT.
Obama is not to blame for the economic recession, as most everyone knows that started happening when President Bush was in office.  So to give him the one little credit he barely deserves, it was not Obama's fault for the economy going south.  What he is to blame, however, is how he handled trying to fix the problems that were created.  Not one thing has he done since he's been in office has improved the economy or the people, or the country.  Everyday there are still pan handlers begging for a few dollars, people walking from their houses because they lost their jobs, and millions of others foreclosing.  Was that happening before? yes, but is it worse now? of course!! Tell me you don't know of at least one person who has lost their jobs or their homes in the last 4 years!  What has he done to fix it? NOTHING!! He gave money to bigger companies to get them out of debt, who just pocketed the money and fired everybody else.
In the segment I watched tonight, there were two things that really really irked me. One, he has stated that President Bush was "unpatriotic", and criticized him for adding $3 trillion dollars to the deficit in his eight years in office.  Hmm, Obama, look at yourself! In three years he's added $5 trillion! I think that's significantly more!! and on top of it, he has gone on vacations monthly, including golfing.  I don't care if someone has a hobby, but going golfing 97 times in 3 years when your job is to RUN THE COUNTRY, WHICH IS IN SERIOUS TROUBLE AT THE MOMENT, and the boss is out on vacations other week?! I am so glad that my tax payer's dollars are paying for his vacations!! My hard earned money is paying for his golf trips.  thank you Mr. President, thank you.
Now here's the real question: do we want another term with this kind of behavior? I know I certainly do not.  And this leads me into my next rant: Romney and his religion.
People give Romney such crap and they say his biggest crutch in the elections is "because he's different."  Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know being an upstanding citizen, a good husband and father, married to the same woman and devoted to his religion made him so weird.  What an evil man! JFK was an active catholic, that didn't make him a bad president did it? Just because Romney is a mormon does not mean he can't be a good president, nor does it mean he's going to force anyone into his religion.  Everyone is familiar with mormonism by the missionaries who come knocking on their doors and sharing a message about their religion.  When has ANYONE ever been forced to join the mormon church? or any religion for that matter! Jehovah Witnesses have missionaries and they don't force anyone to join their religion right then and there.  Just because Latter-Day-Saints are different does not mean they're bad.  And if people are worried or curious to the "weird things" we do, just ask! We won't bite, and the church doesn't get paid based on the number of people that attend.  Ask any question to any member and they will answer.  I know I will answer any question that is asked of me, and I will not condemn for anyone believing something different.  In fact, I love that other people have beliefs! Since living in Texas we've been exposed to a lot of different religions, and to see people completely devoted to their beliefs and their religions, I totally respect that!
I'm getting off topic, but the point is, Romney can be a good president if people will look past prejudicism and look at his political background.  So far I've been impressed by his work ethic.  I'm not saying he's perfect, I'm not saying "Vote for Romney today".  I'm just saying give people a chance.
So there it is.  I know I opened a huge can of worms and I'm sorry for a boring post, but I couldn't help it.  Sometimes you gotta get something off your chest.