Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We have an apartment!!

Well I haven't updated in a while, but there's not much to update just yet, but here's our latest news. We found an apartment! :) It's a small 1 bedroom/bathroom in Irving, which isn't too far from Coppell. It's small but it's actually quite nice, and dang cheaper than everything else we've looked at. Rob's also been working on opening the new warehouse this week. They wanted to officially open yesterday, but it was one headache after another and long days. They don't have all the equipment they need yet and they're still working out all the "new building" kinks. He's been working hard though, what a trooper! :) At least it's cooled down from 100+ to like, 90.... well at least it's better.
As for me, it's been a lot of cleaning packing, packing and cleaning....mostly packing for now, but it's progress. I've also been working on organizing a group to help us re-sod our front yard, we'll take pictures (if I can find it, I think Rob has it in Texas), but anyway, it's been quite the process but things are coming together. We are officially leaving Boise September 29!! :) stay updated for pictures!! :)